Our sole purpose at this site is to assist you in finding the best year to claim your Social Security benefits, independently of all other financial issues. What we provide here is not intended as a substitute for complete financial planning.
Social Security Choices strives to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is offered with the understanding that the partners at Social Security Choices are not offering legal, accounting, investment or other professional advice or services.
Information obtained from Social Security Choices is general educational information. You must never rely solely upon the advice given by Social Security Choices. In the end, the Social Security Administration alone makes all final determinations on your eligibility for benefits and the benefit amounts.
You should consult with your local Social Security Office before acting upon any information provided by Social Security Choices.
For comprehensive financial planning, you should contact a reputable financial planning service. Our advice on Social Security claiming strategies can serve as one part of a comprehensive financial plan.