Social Security Choices

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Social Security Administration or any government agency.

Need text to be a little larger or smaller?

One can change the font size of any site by using the following steps, please reference instructions specific to the browser you are using:

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Click on View on the Menu Bar
  2. Point to Zoom or Text Size (depending on your version of Firefox)
  3. Click Zoom In or Increase to enlarge the text size, or Zoom Out or Decrease to shrink the text size

Note: You can also hold the Ctrl button and press + to increase text size or Ctrl and - to decrease font size

Microsoft Internet Explorer 7

  1. Select the Page menu
  2. Point to Text Size
  3. Select your choice of Largest, Larger, Medium, Smaller, and Smallest text sizes

Note: You can also hold the Ctrl button and press + to increase text size or Ctrl and - to decrease font size