Welcome to Social Security Choices
Realizing that determining when to collect your Social Security benefits is a very complex problem is the first step towards optimizing your benefits. Here at Social Security Choices, we've examined the countless rules the Social Security Administration has published to help you answer this very problem with our analyses designed to maximize your Social Security retirement benefits.
Customized Reports
We offer you the opportunity to obtain a customized report tailored to your specific circumstances. This report provides you with a comprehensive analysis that helps you figure out 1) when you should claim your Social Security benefits and 2) in some instances which benefits to claim.
Surprisingly, we conduct these analyses without any truly confidential information from you - no name, no address, no telephone number, no Social Security number, no income information (aside from the estimated value of your Social Security benefits at your full retirement age). We do require an email address, so we can send you the report.
These are only a few of the many features of Social Security that add complexity to the decision-making process. Read more about how our custom analysis can help maximize your Social Security Retirement Benefits by providing you with a customized analysis which identifies the best claiming strategy specifically for you. If instead you would like information more specific to your circumstances, please select the tab at the top pertinent to you (such as Single Persons, Married Persons, etc).
In addition to our custom analyses, we also help you in the following ways:
Useful Free Information
We provide a lot of useful information for free. Some of this information you can find on the Social Security website, if you search long enough. We have collected for you the key information needed to make informed decisions on when you should claim benefits and what type of benefits you should claim. We also provide numerous links to key parts of the Social Security Handbook to save you from having to search through it for answers to key questions about claiming benefits.
Feel free to peruse the topics listed to the left at your leisure and please, contact us if you have any questions or concerns!
Original Material
We have developed original material (also free) that examines several key factors that may influence one's claiming decision. This original material includes, among other topics, detailed discussions of how income taxes can affect Social Security benefit claiming decisions, and how working past age 62 may increase one's optimal claiming age.