Social Security Choices

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Social Security Administration or any government agency.

Married Persons Overview

A married couple with moderately high benefits and normal life expectancies can easily leave upwards of $150,000 in retirement and spousal benefits on the Social Security table. Don't make a costly mistake by thinking that simple strategies like claiming at 62, 66 or even 70 can get you the benefits you deserve.

We solve this complex problem for you. Our report will show you the optimal strategy and detail analysis of the costs created by Social Security claiming strategies that yield less than the maximum retirement and spouse benefits.

To get a customized report we need a little non-confidential information from you:

  1. an email address so we can send you our report;
  2. years of birth for both husband and wife; and
  3. an estimate of Social Security retirement benefits for both husband and wife. There are four ways you can get this information.
    1. Your Social Security Statement (which is typically mailed annually to people 60 and over, but is currently suspended for budgetary reasons).
    2. Social Security provides a retirement benefit estimator on their website.
    3. Social Security now provides access to Your Social Security Statement online.
    4. Call the SSA at 1-800-772-1213.

That's it! That's all the information we need.

Go ahead! Get your Social Security Retirement and Spouse Benefit Analysis now. Get a complete customized report for $39.99.

Married Couple