Social Security Choices

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Social Security Administration or any government agency.

Single Persons Overview

Social Security retirement benefits increase when you delay claiming your benefits, but in considering when to claim your benefits, you have to consider how long you will receive the higher benefits if you wait. Our customized report will do this calculation for you so you can determine the best time to claim your Social Security retirement benefits. For useful information about single persons and Social Security, check out the links on the left side of this page.

To get a report tailored to your specific situation, we need a little non-confidential information from you, such as:

  1. an email address so we can send you our report;
  2. your year of birth; and
  3. an estimate of Social Security retirement benefits. There are four ways you can get this information.
    1. Your Social Security Statement (which is typically mailed annually to people 60 and over, but is currently suspended for budgetary reasons).
    2. Social Security provides a retirement benefit estimator on their website.
    3. Social Security now provides access to Your Social Security Statement online.
    4. Call the SSA at 1-800-772-1213.

Are you now "single" because you are divorced or because your spouse has passed away? If so, you might qualify for benefits as a divorcee or as a widow(er). Please read our discussion about who qualifies for benefits as a divorced person or as a widow to be sure that you don't leave any benefits on the table. If these conditions don't apply to you, get your Social Security Retirement Benefit Analysis now! Get a complete customized report for $39.99.

Single Person